"There is a road from the eye to heart that does not go through the intellect."

*Our souls connected when our eyes met*

Sunday, May 22, 2011

It presents..

This is going to be something different from stories and poems..This blog would contain conversations of some people or letter exchanges which is also called epistolary.Sometimes sheer pleasure or sometimes all disappointment in the words exchanged through a conversation or letters.At times even book reviews.
First attempt at my second blog hope will be liked and criticized equally.

Will be updated soon with a conversation for first piece..


-Unknown Wanderer


the other side of me said...

Hey dear
Im looking forward for the first piece!!!

Eon Heath said...

Hey, Hi
well...conversations are good....they help us grow with others experiences....

awaiting yours...

The Silhouette...

Alcina said...


Alcina said...

@Eon Heath
Would come as and how they weave through mind in reality or virtually :)

Simran said...

Loved it's theme :)..happy to see your new blog.Hoping a great journey and I'm with you :)..It's nice to know that here I'll read something different from other blogs..
Keep smiling ..take care

Cassiopeia Rises said...

I like what you have to say. Your blog site is different. Do you write poetry? I will look around and am sure to find out. Just love the look of your site.
